Monday, April 30, 2012

A Day on the Farm

"Something Personal" Assignment
     You may not know this about me, but I grew up on a farm. Yes, Miss Obsessed With Fashion grew up on a farm... and I'll tell you how this strange farm girl/ fashionista combo came about.
     Keeping up a farm requires alot of work, in case you didn't know. So my family and I split up the work into daily responsibilities that we all had to do. These daily chores could easily take all day if you didn't start early, so I usualy got up about 7am and got started.
     This particular day, I headed toward the stables to groom Minny, the family horse. She was my favorite. I was brushing her tail and telling her about my day so far, when something bright and colorful caught my eye. I looked up and saw Minny wearing this multicolored hat, covered in bright butterflies. I was stunned and couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked, and then there was Minny, just standing there, no hat.
     I brushed it off and made up the excuse that it was still early and my coffee just hadn't kicked in yet. I moved on to the next chore on the list.
     I headed over to our neighbor, Mr. Raegen's house. He was old and I got his mail for him every morning because he had trouble getting to his mailbox. I knocked on the door and his little dog, Rosie, came up to me. I looked down at the little munchkin but Rosie was different today. She was wearing little boots. Seriously. I thought, "I'm going crazy, I gotta get out of here"
                             This is a small taste of just what I was experiencing, creepy music and all:

     I sprinted home as fast as I could, and what I saw when I got there almost knocked me off my feet. The pigs were in the stye dressed up like Hollywood celebrities and sipping martinis and the cows were in the pasture, conducting their own fashion show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
     I collapsed on the ground and closed my eyes. I don't know how much time went by but as soon as I opened my eyes, everything was back to normal. All the animals were naked again and everything was in its correct place.
     I said to myself, "I gotta get outta this town."

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