Monday, April 30, 2012

A Day on the Farm

"Something Personal" Assignment
     You may not know this about me, but I grew up on a farm. Yes, Miss Obsessed With Fashion grew up on a farm... and I'll tell you how this strange farm girl/ fashionista combo came about.
     Keeping up a farm requires alot of work, in case you didn't know. So my family and I split up the work into daily responsibilities that we all had to do. These daily chores could easily take all day if you didn't start early, so I usualy got up about 7am and got started.
     This particular day, I headed toward the stables to groom Minny, the family horse. She was my favorite. I was brushing her tail and telling her about my day so far, when something bright and colorful caught my eye. I looked up and saw Minny wearing this multicolored hat, covered in bright butterflies. I was stunned and couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked, and then there was Minny, just standing there, no hat.
     I brushed it off and made up the excuse that it was still early and my coffee just hadn't kicked in yet. I moved on to the next chore on the list.
     I headed over to our neighbor, Mr. Raegen's house. He was old and I got his mail for him every morning because he had trouble getting to his mailbox. I knocked on the door and his little dog, Rosie, came up to me. I looked down at the little munchkin but Rosie was different today. She was wearing little boots. Seriously. I thought, "I'm going crazy, I gotta get out of here"
                             This is a small taste of just what I was experiencing, creepy music and all:

     I sprinted home as fast as I could, and what I saw when I got there almost knocked me off my feet. The pigs were in the stye dressed up like Hollywood celebrities and sipping martinis and the cows were in the pasture, conducting their own fashion show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
     I collapsed on the ground and closed my eyes. I don't know how much time went by but as soon as I opened my eyes, everything was back to normal. All the animals were naked again and everything was in its correct place.
     I said to myself, "I gotta get outta this town."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Inspiration

Favorite Entertainer Assignment
     I have so many favorite entertainers. I have a long list of actors and actresses that I am absolutely in love with for many different reasons. Whether it's their fashion, their makeup or their beauty, Hollywood celebrities have a special place in my heart. They're admired by everyone, they always have the latest and greatest designer pieces, and they never miss a beat when it comes to being camera ready at all times.
     One particular entertainer that I think has the most amazing style is reality television star, Kourtney Kardashian. This 32-year-old mommy dresses to impress everywhere she goes. Whether it's casual or dressy, Kourtney rocks it the best.

     Let's not give her full credit for her style and beauty, we must remember that she has a stylist and hair and makeup artist that puts her look together, but I'm sure Kourtney is still contributing her input to the finished product.
     There are thousands of paparazzi shots that show her doing everyday activities like grocery shopping, but she still looks just as great as she does on the red carpet!
     Though Kourtney's wardrobe is probably a lot more expensive than yours and mine combined, there are many affordable copycats of her signature jumpsuits and fedoras that you can pull off. The Kardashian sisters have their own store with two locations in Los Angeles and Miami, and they're still expanding. The store is called Dash, and it's stocked full of amazing clothes, shoes and bathing suits from top to bottom!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Backstreet's Back, Alright!

Current Event Assignment

     As we all know, fashion is always changing. It seems like once you finally catch up to the latest trend, that look is out and a new look is in! It's exhausting trying to keep up! But I've decided to analyze the trends that I see walking around every day, so that you can stay up to date.
     Fashion trends usually don't just pop up out of nowhere, they usually reappear after going from REALLY cool for a few years, disappearing for awhile, and coming back ten times cooler. One thing I've noticed has become very prominent recently is 90's fashion!
     Yes, those high-waisted denim shorts that went from hot to "mom jeans". Guess what, they're hot again! Pair those no-longer-mom-jeans with a tucked in tee or a tied up blouse and you're in business!

You can go with the classic ripped up, bleached up blue jeans.

Or you can go with colored jeans. The brighter, the better!

     Another blast from the past 90's trend that has come back are CROP TOPS, A.K.A belly shirts. A few years ago, if you wore a belly shirt to class or out grocery shopping, you would get dirty looks followed by hushed whispers. However, that does seem strange to me since these are the 2000's, not the 1800's. Regardless, it's okay now! Belly shirts are fine for two-year-olds to wear, and they're also fine for 20-year-olds to wear. How great is that?

 There's a girly crop top.

 And a tomboy crop top!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Hot Buns!

I LOVE looking up new hairstyles online.
I'm seriously addicted.
They are SO easy to learn how to do yourself, even just by looking at a picture.
You'll usually have to try a style a few different times in order to get it perfectly the way you want.
I'll be posting some videos later to show you how I do my many different hairstyles... I literally have fancy styles I do for every occasion. and they're not complicated to do... they just look complicated!
My all time favorite hairstyle is THE BUN. It's my go-to hairstyle when I don't feel like spending a lot of time on my hair.
HOWEVER... there are so many different variations of THE BUN. It doesn't have to be messy. It can be cute and clean too!
Here are a few of my favorites:
This bun reminds me of a little-girl-ish ballerina. Love it. 

This is very fancy. It's an upside-down french braid with a sock-bun at the top. I'll post a video to show how to do the sock bun... don't worry!

The classic messy bun. Contrary to my boyfriend's belief... it's very cute!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Springy Makeup Demonstration

As we ladies know... with great spring weather comes great responsibility.
We must gather up all of our spring clothes and spring eyeshadow shades and get to work perfecting that warm weather look! Here is a link to me demonstrating a nice, natural, springy look that you can try.

This demonstration was done on "In the Middle", MT10's morning show.

I do my eyeshadow like this every morning, but I just do the brown on the outside a little darker so that it's more dramatic.

1.) The first step to a natural, springy eye is the base coat. You should pick a neutral color, like tan or light brown, depending on how dark you want the finished product to be. If you want to steer away from the "natural" look, you can use a brighter color for your base, like green or purple (these colors go great with brown, which we'll be putting on the outer edge).

2.) The second step (and possibly the most important) is the shimmer. You're going to pick a white or light beige shimmer eyeshadow to apply on the inside corner and right underneath your eyebrow, all the way across. This really brings out the base color and makes your eye color stand out.

3.) The third step is eyeliner. In order to avoid overdoing the eyeliner, just start from the halfway mark of your eyelid and work your way outwards in one solid stroke. The thicker the eyeliner, the more dramatic look you will end up with. If you go with a thinner line, the result will be more natural.

4.) Put some mascara on those lashes to really top it all off. Make sure you start with the bottom lashes in order to avoid getting mascara on your eyelid when you look up to apply.

VIOLA! You have the perfect springtime eye!

The most important makeup items are:
1. Bronzer: Physicians Formula: Pressed Bronzer
2. Shimmer eyeshadow: Maybeline: New York Expert
3. Mascara: Revlon: Grow Luscious
4. Lipstick: Lime Crime: Opaque Nude

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Red Hot

Ok, so for my first post, I want to inform you all about my latest obsession... lipstick. Not just any kind of lipstick. RED lipstick. 
MAC is always the best brand, in my opinion. It's a little pricey, but SO worth the money. 
Now, the thing about red lipstick is....
It. Looks. Good. On. EVERYONE.
If you think you can't pull off big red lips... YOU'RE WRONG! 

Blonde hair, Red hair, Dark hair, Big hair...
You cannot go wrong. 
I know it's scary people... but just GO FOR IT! You may feel weird at first, but see how many compliments you get on those luscious lips and I bet you'll start rockin' that red a lot more often!
Seriously. Throw on some ruby lips, go take a stroll around the mall, and see how many heads turn... even if your outfit and hair aren't runway ready... I'm telling you... it works wonders :)